Sober living

10 Tips for a New Start After Addiction Recovery

Working through these issues is important for long-term health, happiness, and sobriety. Now that we have observed why is it important to live a healthy life both during and after substance abuse treatment. Drug abuse affects the brain and other major organs of the body very badly. But, perhaps you’re realizing that many of them aren’t ready to take that step. It will be tempting to beat yourself up about the issues you experienced in your past. The most crucial [...]

How To Rebuild A healthy Life After Addiction

Or, you might want to have a better relationship with your family. Whatever your life goals, looking back and appreciating your progress can help greatly in keeping you on track and feeling good about where you are today. It doesn’t take much to trigger those thoughts licenses and regulations for sober living homes and feelings again. Quitting drugs is an opportunity to follow your dreams and live the life that you were meant to live. As your brain heals [...]

The Best and Worst Booze to Drink if You Want to Lose Weight

While excessive alcohol consumption can contribute to weight gain, it’s not the only factor. In conclusion, vodka can be a part of a healthy diet when consumed in moderation. While it is true that vodka contains calories, it is not as fattening as other alcoholic beverages. One shot of vodka (1.5 ounces) contains approximately 97 calories and zero grams of carbohydrates, 29 best group therapy activities for supporting adults making it a better choice than beer or wine. Moreover, [...]

How Alcohol May Make You Gain Weight

Cocktails and mixed drinks often have more calories than beer and wine. For example, a piña colada has as many as 500 calories per seven-ounce serving. In excess, alcohol consumption may cause adverse effects on your body, leading to weight gain. For example, alcohol may affect hormones that control appetite, hunger, and stress. Alcohol is high in calories and is likely to increase abdominal fat. Generally, one fluid ounce of 80-proof vodka contains about 64 calories, while a 1.5-ounce [...]

Family management risk and protective factors for adolescent substance use in South Africa Full Text

According to El Kazdouh et al., individuals with a strong belief against substance use and those with a strong desire to maintain their health were more likely to be protected from involvement in drug abuse [46]. This stage is characterized by a rapid change to a new social phase where individuals have greater freedom and less social control when compared to the experience during childhood [1]. The odds of consuming alcohol more frequently when sharing was at lowest [...]

What Happens After Drug Rehab? What To Expect

Sleeping in is not part of the program, so expect to rise early in the morning to enjoy a healthy breakfast. Some programs offer morning classes where you’ll have an opportunity to take part in activities such as yoga, meditation, exercise, or prayer opportunities to help start your day in a relaxed state of mind. Admissions representatives can explain the treatment options available at the rehab facility. They’ll answer any questions you have about cost, amenities or other important [...]

8 Ways to Maintain an Attitude of Gratitude in Addiction Recovery

Many people who struggle with addiction also suffer from co-occurring mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, or bipolar disorder. Expressing gratitude can also encourage you to strive for improvement, as it reminds you of what you have already achieved and demonstrates how much more you can accomplish. By practicing gratitude during recovery, you not only boost your resilience in times of hardship but also lay the foundation for long-term success in all areas of life. In [...]

Alcohol shakes: Causes and more

You may also need intravenous fluids with vitamins and minerals to treat dehydration or bring your electrolytes back into balance. After a heavy drinking session, your brain can get used to lower levels of stimulation caused by alcohol’s depressant effects. When you wake up, your brain becomes overwhelmed with activity, triggering tremors and shaking during a hangover. The more—and longer—people drink, the more they risk developing health problems, such as diabetes, liver disease and even brain shrinkage. Maybe even though I knew [...]

How to Heal a Marriage Hurt by Addiction

This might sound like a concern, but in reality, it’s normal. Research suggests that again, it’s not “fixing” every problem that matters, but treating each other with respect and kindness, even when you disagree. According to therapist Jeffrey Larson, most marriages actually go through three stages. Here we examine proportions of marriages that end in divorce and whether those proportions bear a systematic relationship to the trajectory subgroups. An outpatient program can be especially helpful as couples navigate their [...]

Patterns of Change in Marital Satisfaction Over the Newlywed Years PMC

I don’t want to think about the small mortgage we pissed away on alcohol and cigarettes. In this country, getting wasted is a staple of Western expat life and we were eager participants. But still, we didn’t really know each other the way you’re traditionally meant to before you go and marry a person. My husband and I had never spent more than a couple of weeks physically together before he moved halfway across the world to be with [...]