IT Vacancies

Who is a Front-End Developer? Complete Guide

Any interactive web page you see is probably powered by JavaScript to some extent. For instance, content that updates automatically and websites that feature maps both use JavaScript to render content on the front end. Below, we’ll break down a few of the top skills that come up in job descriptions for front end web developers. The book progresses on to discuss new HTML5 elements and using CSS to apply styles to a web page. Toward the end of [...]

What is the most accurate road map to become a Python developer?

Our Codersera team has made this weekly roadmap for a Python developer so you can get proper time for interview preparation and revision. The roadmap is basically nothing but builds a proper timetable for you for learning new skills from basics to advance level and turn into a reliable professional. So, let’s start with the roadmap for a Python developer in 6 weeks. JavaScript is also an excellent progressive step once you get comfortable with primary website building. In addition, [...]

Senior Java Developer Salary

Python remains a popular, demanded programming language that offers a decent software developer salary to those specializing in it. Python developers receive over $90,000 per year in high-tech countries like the USA, Norway, Switzerland, and Denmark, while in the UK and Israel, salaries exceed $50,000 per year. Java also gives developers helpful tools such as class libraries, which help streamline development with pre-built components. To manifest the dominance of Java developers in the IT industry, we have curated salary [...]