Six Essential Best Practices for Data Security

Six Essential Best Practices for Data Security

Data security is the protection of physical and digital data against the unauthorized access or destruction. It is a requirement of every business, since it ensures that personal information is available to authorized users, and remains secure, private and safe. It also helps avoid the loss of vital information due to an attack on the internet or a data breach. A good data security program is a mix of tools to ensure six best practices essential to a successful program:

Authentication is a must in any data security strategy. Whether your data is at storage or in transit it is essential to ensure that only authorized users are able to access it through credentials (e.g. passwords, passwords, encryption keys) or other methods of identification, such as multi-factor authentication (MFA) which requires the user to create multiple forms of verification.

The company should be able to identify its application data and be aware of the moment when sensitive data is in a specific state, such as “at rest”, “in transit” or “in use”.

As the amount of data collected increases it can be difficult for companies to keep track of all the sensitive information. This is why it’s important to follow the principle of least privilege which states that users should be given only the data they need to do their job. By reducing the number of permissions granted to users, you can improve security and cut down on the costs of storage and bandwidth. Your policy on data usage must also specify the way data is utilized and the consequences for any violations of the policy.

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