Board Meeting Tips – How to Get the Most Out of Your Meetings

Board Meeting Tips – How to Get the Most Out of Your Meetings

Your board of directors are crucial to the success of your community. Planning and preparation are essential to maximizing the value of your board meetings. Here are some key tips to help you run a more efficient board meeting:

Send out the agenda before the meeting. This gives board members the opportunity to review the materials in advance, ask any questions and prepare themselves for the discussion.

It is recommended to hold your board meeting in a public location such as a library or conference room of a local company. This will eliminate distractions like pets, children, and ringing telephones, which can interrupt a discussion.

Appoint someone to record detailed minutes of the meeting. This will ensure important decisions are recorded, and the board will keep a record of the discussions.

Limit the time allotted to each item on the agenda to ensure that the meeting continues to flow and avoid diverging discussions. If you feel that something on the agenda is slowing down, move it to “parking lots” to discuss later. This will keep the main issues in the forefront.

Explain the process for making decisions at the meeting. Whether it’s by consensus or voting to ensure that all participants understand what is being discussed and can take part in the discussion.

Encourage officers at the C-level and their staff members to attend the meeting so that they can share their expertise. This will allow the board to hear directly from individuals who are closest to the action and most equipped to give advice.

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