Antivirus Comparison Chart

Antivirus Comparison Chart

The main aspects to take into consideration when choosing an antivirus program is its detection rates (how quickly it detects and blocks viruses), system performance and the additional features it offers like a VPN as well as a password manager and more. It’s also important to look at the cost, the number of devices it can cover and how easy it is to reach customer support.

The table below allows you to filter tools by aggregated protection as well as false-positives and performance scores of various independent lab test results. This will allow you to determine the most effective antivirus for your security requirements. The tool will also inform you the number of licenses included in the price of a software, as well as whether it’s a free service or paid subscription.

Antivirus programs can shield you from a variety of malware threats. This includes trojans rootkits, worms, and keyloggers that track what you type on your keyboard, as well as ransomware, which blocks your computer unless you pay to unlock it. Some of these malicious attacks may also spread to other devices connected to it, like smart appliances and gadgets within your home or your car.

Software that analyzes your device’s resources connects to the company’s servers to see whether there are any unusual behavior. This allows you to keep track of suspicious activities. Although the majority of trusted companies will perform this in a responsible way to safeguard your privacy, it’s best to read the privacy policies of each vendor to be certain. This chart will help you select the best antivirus for your personal and professional devices.

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